Who are you? Don't worry about it :)

What's this site about? This is my personal site meant to serve as a hub for different projects in the future and its functions will change over time; for now it's being built to act as an art portfolio. It's also my trial-by-error way of relearning HTML, CSS and Java.

So you're an artist? Sometimes!

Can I use your art for ____? Not right now, sorry :/

Do you and/or will you work with NFTS? Absolutely not

Do you have a shop and/or take commissions? Not at the moment, but check back later

Do you have social media? Nope! I do have an Artstation though

Why not? My feelings about social media and the internet as a whole align pretty closely with those of Sadness, who has written extensively about what it means to be a citizen of the internet and the exciting small web revival happening right now in places like NeoCities. TLDR; I prefer it here.

How can I contact you? You can send me email at clatterment@proton.me